Friday, December 2, 2011

is not financially advisable

Well, today was my final day of gainful employment. Now it's time to shift my focus to purging myself of most of my worldly possessions before the end of the year. (You know, I hear second hand household goods are topping the Hottest Christmas Gifts of 2011 lists. No, no need to check my sources. Why would I ever make this up?)

Here are my current travel plans. Very little is set in stone so it would certainly help me out to get suggestions for sites to add, comments/notes on anything already marked, warnings about places I may pass through or stop in (i.e., "Be careful of where you park in Yellowstone. I hear the grizzlies there are quite ornery and have a penchant for stealing hubcaps." Well joke's on them, I gots rimz!), and suggestions for alternate routes between destinations for a more scenic drive.

The next major step will be to achieve a state of homelessness by January 1st (only because it pairs so nicely with joblessness--like a fine boxed wine with well-aged Kraft singles) and hit the road by the January 7th!

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